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Tag: films of 1987

Living on Tokyo Time: The Sins of Being Nice

Living on Tokyo Time: The Sins of Being Nice

Released: 1987 Dir.: Steven Okazaki First time viewing reaction. Living on Tokyo Time is about the culture clash between Japanese and Japanese Americans, and it’s fascinating on that level alone. However, the film resonated with me on a different, and personal level. Kyoko (Minako Ohashi) comes to San Francisco after ending her engagement to an unfaithful fiancé in Japan. Although she has a job, her visa expires, and she wants to stay in the U.S. A co-worker sets her up…

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Wings of Desire: A World of Humans and Angels.

Wings of Desire: A World of Humans and Angels.

Released: 1987 Dir.: Wim Wenders First time viewing reaction and reader request.               I try not to read reviews or learn anything about the films I’m watching for the first time before viewing or writing about them, I just usually have a brief synopsis handy as a reminder and to make sure I get the names of the actors and their characters correct. However, I couldn’t help but notice Wings of Desire being described as a ‘city symphony’, and I…

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