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Tag: black and white

Juke Girl: ‘Sure She’s Easy to Meet… but Try and Forget Her!’

Juke Girl: ‘Sure She’s Easy to Meet… but Try and Forget Her!’

Released: 1942 Dir.: Curtis Bernhardt I have a weakness for classic Warner Brothers films. There is nothing overly extraordinary about Juke Girl, it was just another picture on the production rooster, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good film for your viewing pleasure. For an average run of the mill film, you still get caught up in its story, with a climax that can make your blood boil if you allow it to. By 1942, it’s the kind of…

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Ski Troop Attack: A Bad Movie that Challenges Depression.

Ski Troop Attack: A Bad Movie that Challenges Depression.

Released: 1960 Dir.: Roger Corman When you suffer from depression, you endure bouts, sometimes severe, of not really caring much about anything. Life has no purpose, you keep telling yourself you don’t matter, nobody seems to care about you, your world has become breath-takingly small, you feel you have nothing important to contribute, over-whelming hopelessness, and you can’t make decisions, even what movie to watch. Something as trivial as finding a movie to watch is what your life has been…

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Night and the City: Hollywood Noir Meets British Noir.

Night and the City: Hollywood Noir Meets British Noir.

Released: 1950 Dir.: Jules Dassin First time viewing reaction. When you mix Hollywood Noir with British Noir, add Richard Widmark, Gene Tierney, and a healthy dose of Herbert Lom, you get Night and the City. A gripping non-stop story of ambition exceeding one’s grasp. Harry Fabian (Richard Widmark) is a hustler on the loose in London. He works hard and talks fast for what amounts to peanuts, but there is big money to be had in London and that comes…

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