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Tag: 1969

Crossplot: The Forgettable Movie I Can’t Get Out of My Head.

Crossplot: The Forgettable Movie I Can’t Get Out of My Head.

Released: November 1969 Directed By: Alvin Rakoff Cast: Roger Moore, Claudie Lange, Martha Hyer, Alexis Kanner, Derek Francis, Ursula Howells. Bernard Lee. I hadn’t planned on writing anything about Crossplot beyond my blurb on Twitter (I refuse to call it ‘X’) and Letterboxd, referring to the film ultimately as forgettable. However, a Twitter follower commented on my blurb thinking the movie poster and the plot looked interesting. I replied saying the plot was very Hitchcock-like and the film itself was…

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Easy Rider: Not a Simple Journey

Easy Rider: Not a Simple Journey

Released: 1969 Dir. Dennis Hopper First-time viewing reaction               I’ve seen bits and pieces of Easy Rider over the years, heard lots about it, I know how it ends, but I’ve never seen the whole movie in order to feel the full impact of one of the most influential films of its generation. I stumbled across Easy Rider on the CTV app, and decided to give it a go. It was quite an uncomfortable journey.               After a very successful…

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