A Christmas Wish aka The Great Rupert

A Christmas Wish aka The Great Rupert

Released: March 1950

Directed by: Irving Pichel

Cast: Jimmy Durante, Terry Moore, Tom Drake, Frank Orth, Sara Haden, Queenie Smith, Chick Chandler, Jimmy Conlin, Rupert the Squirrel.

I’ve believed for a long time that squirrels are the dolphins of the backyard, and A Christmas Wish confirms that belief.

Rupert the Squirrel is the most amazing squirrel I have ever seen. He not only dances, but he does a Scottish jig that would make any Highlander proud. He is an astute observer and listener, but most importantly he hands out money, lots of it, to those who really need it.

Rupert as a Scottish Highlander.

Louis Amendola (Jimmy Durante), his wife (Queenie Smith) and daughter Rosalinda (Terry Moore), are a family of vaudeville acrobats who have fallen on hard times. No one wants to see human pyramids anymore, it’s Christmas Eve and the Amendola’s have nowhere to go. Fortunately, they can rent a garage turned apartment from Frank Dingle (Frank Orth), local cheapskate and grinder. In another bit of good luck, the Amendola family deal with Dingle’s son Pete (Tom Drake), who fancies Rosalinda, is a pushover and lets the first month’s rent slide.

Left alone, Mrs. Amendola is bummed out. It’s Christmas Eve and they have nothing, no presents for Rosalinda, who needs a new pair of shoes. Despondent, Mrs. Amendola prays, and it starts to rain cash to the tune of $1500 in crisp new $100 bills. That’s a lot of lettuce in 1950.

Rupert Buried in Cash.

Unknown to Mrs. Amendola, Rupert the Squirrel is living in a hole in the wall that joins the apartment to the Dingle house. The same hole that Old Man Dingle has been stashing his earnings from a gold mine that just began to pay off. A sweet $1500 a week. The dough piles into Rupert’s home and the unselfish squirrel who has no use for currency anonymously passes his windfall onto Mrs. Amendola by chucking it down into the apartment. See, an astute observer and listener.

Mrs. Amendola can’t believe her good fortune. But it doesn’t end with $1500 cash, every Thursday between 3 and 3:30, Mrs. Amendola prays and is showered in legal tender. This goes on for weeks!

Rupert is very thoughtful. He doesn’t confine his generosity and kindness to the Christmas season, but well beyond. Rupert’s kindness extends beyond this humble little squirrel. Mr. Amendola shares his good fortune with local businesses that are struggling and helps them get back on their feet.

None of the Amendola’s are selfish. Mrs. Amendola’s initial prayer was for Rosalinda to have a new pair of shoes. Rosalinda herself helps Pete get a composition he wrote published and on the radio. And when fire breaks out in the Dingle home, destroying Mr. Dingle’s stash of cash, it’s Mr. Amendola who helps Dingle to rebuild.

A Christmas Wish is a simple film. But that’s the point. Kindness, whatever form it may take, helping someone get back on their feet, selflessly offering a helping hand, giving someone the chance to better themselves, contribute and even give back. The holiday season isn’t just the season of giving, but also the season of kindness and sharing that extends beyond the month of December and is for everyone regardless of belief. This, thanks to a smart, selfless squirrel named Rupert.

A Christmas Wish aka The Great Rupert is the only film Rupert made, his own passion lending itself to the live stage. It is my Christmas wish that we be able to find a little bit of Rupert in all of us this holiday season and carry it forward well beyond the new year. Happy Holidays!

A Christmas Wish aka The Great Rupert can be streamed for free on multiple platforms and is available on DVD.

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