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Month: September 2023

Juke Girl: ‘Sure She’s Easy to Meet… but Try and Forget Her!’

Juke Girl: ‘Sure She’s Easy to Meet… but Try and Forget Her!’

Released: 1942 Dir.: Curtis Bernhardt I have a weakness for classic Warner Brothers films. There is nothing overly extraordinary about Juke Girl, it was just another picture on the production rooster, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good film for your viewing pleasure. For an average run of the mill film, you still get caught up in its story, with a climax that can make your blood boil if you allow it to. By 1942, it’s the kind of…

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Ivan’s Childhood: Time Standing Still.

Ivan’s Childhood: Time Standing Still.

Released: 1962 Dir.: Andrei Tarkovsky First-time viewing reaction. Many of the films I’ve seen dealing with the Second World War recently have been very personal stories. Most of them were made within the following 25-30 years after the war’s conclusion. All of them from countries that suffered staggering, incomprehensible losses, such as the nations of continental Europe, Japan, and the Soviet Union. Films such as Kanal, Fires on the Plain, Rome Open City, The Bridge, and Come and See have…

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